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Within the framework of its pivotal role in supporting and empowering women economically and socially

Juhayna sponsors the first international women’s summit to be held in Egypt at Al-Qubba Palace

The summit was attended by Ambassador Nabila Makram, Minister of State for Immigration and Egyptians Abroad, Dr. Hala Al-Saeed, Minister of Planning and Economic Development, Dr. Rania Al-Mashat, Minister of International Cooperation, Dr. Yasmine Fouad, Minister of Environment, Dr. Nevin Al-Kabbaj, Minister of Social Solidarity, and a number of leaders High-level government officials, along with a number of heads of major relevant local and international institutions, a number of ambassadors of countries of the world, Egyptian and international leaders, representatives of the main decision-making circles in various sectors, and a group of public figures locally and regionally. Prizes were distributed to champions of plans and practices that take into account gender differences through it.Among the public figures locally and regionally, Mrs. Passant Fouad, Head of the External Relations Sector, attended the Juhayna Company, where she moderated a panel discussion entitled “Inspirational Success Stories”, which reviewed the success stories of women icons in various areas of society.
Passant Fouad said: “Juhayna believes in the vital and effective role that women play in achieving economic development and societal renaissance, so we always seek to participate in events and initiatives that contribute to empowering women and ensuring their effective participation in all fields of work. Our sponsorship came for the first international women’s summit in Egypt, as part of the company’s efforts to enhance the role of women and create shared value in society through several initiatives, most notably our sustainable sponsorship of the Baheya Foundation since 2015, in addition to our support for the 16-day campaign of activities of the National Council for Women to combat violence against women.
It is worth mentioning that the summit activities coincide with the 16-day campaign to combat violence against women, which takes place every year from November 25 to December 10, to carry the conference a message of solidarity and participation of Egyptian women and women of the world in eliminating violence against women.

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